Championship Culture at Wisconsin Oven, Part II: Employees Tell All
Last month we wrote our first blog post on the Championship Culture here at Wisconsin Oven. Heath at Maddox Industrial gave us a beautiful testimonial on both our ovens and company culture – a mentality of the “WOW” factor in which we all like to embrace. Today, we look towards our internal team of employees to discuss what Championship Culture means to them as an integral part of the WOC team.
Jeff, a sales engineer at WOC, described what culture means to him. When asked about what the most important thing a company can do to keep their employees happy he responded, “Acknowledgment of our good efforts. Also, whether the outcomes are good or bad, being truthful with an employee is huge. We’re working for the organization and we want to know where it’s at. Being ‘in the know’ speaks a long way to keeping employees happy.” He followed up, “I never feel like it’s all work no play. Sometimes it’s quite the opposite. We still get our work done, but the WOC team proves it can be fun along the way. If you love what you’re doing you never have to work a day in your life.” When asked about liking the culture he replied, “I really enjoy it. The atmosphere is competitive and goal oriented. There are numbers we need to hit, but everybody works together.” He threw in, “I think Wisconsin Oven is headed in a good direction. With the development of different programs like ‘Work of Champions,’ monthly recognitions and luncheons, these things help drive corporate culture. We are now under one umbrella and everything has been a smooth transition.”
Jason, who works on the shop floor, shares his similar experience. When asked what keeps employees happy he responded, “Providing feedback. Whether it’s positive or negative, to let you know where you stand. This allows us to improve where we need improvement. And accreditation for a job done well and done right. I think WOC does a good job of sharing this mindset. […] We’re continuously challenged to do our best and better each day. We’re not criticized if we falter which helps build morale. We take pride in our everyday work to provide as best a product as possible. This includes the employee to customer relationship. They appreciate the culture they see around the shop. For us, it’s nice to be rewarded for our strengths.”
Lastly, we hit up Dan, a part of Technical Support at the WOC facility. We enjoyed his response to what keeps employees happy in the work place. Dan spoke with honesty, “A reward system is always nice. If you go above and beyond and perform at a high level, spending extra time on a project than you have to – staying late, or coming in early – helping coworkers in difficult situations, it’s all recognized and celebrated. Our team strives to succeed and go over the top to better the company as a whole. We see different rewards when our end of month goals are met. Whether it be a luncheon, a get together, prizes, bonuses, or being praised in front of peers, it all goes towards employee satisfaction. Hard work doesn’t slide by and it’s not pressured. We’re honored for the work that we do and that’s a big thing in the work place.” When touching on culture he said, “It makes you look forward to coming into work every day. You like being with the people you’re around. Some companies deal with employees that don’t want to go to work at all. I think that speaks to their culture. Here, it’s a joy and it’s not just me who feels that way.” He continued, “I like it because of the compatibility of the team. A lot of the people at WOC are young, we haven’t had much involvement in the workforce outside of WOC, but we’ve all heard the horror stories. It’s the people that make it a welcoming environment to work in.”
We salute our employees for an honest interview and enjoy the details they shared! Keep an eye out for our April blog as we follow up with Jeff, Jason, and Dan on what Championship Culture at Wisconsin Oven means to them.
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