Industrial Ovens for the Automotive Industry

Heat processing equipment plays a large role in the automotive industry. As a leading manufacturer of heat treating and processing equipment, we provide the ingenuity the industry needs to produce high-end components. Our automotive ovens, as well as our other conveyor ovens and furnaces, are widely used throughout the automotive industry for applications such as tempering, annealing, heat-forming, and curing

Why the automotive industry chooses Wisconsin Oven:

  • Familiar with the requirements of CQI9 and corporate automotive specifications.
  • Wide range of experience with batch oven designs and conveyorized systems
  • CFD analysis is available for optimizing oven designs
  • Vast design and engineering experience 
  • Equipment achieves temperature uniformities of +/- 10F, and +/-5F, or better


Request A Quote

Click here to request a quote for one of Wisconsin Oven's standard or custom industrial ovens & furnaces.