The annealing process is commonly used for the improvement of machinability, improvement of mechanical or electrical properties, increase in stability of dimensions, improved ductility, relieve stress, assist in refining grain size, and more. Steel and plastic are materials that may be treated in annealing ovens. During the machining of parts made of plastic or steel, residual stresses are induced. These stresses can affect the material strength and cause reduced wear resistance and cracking. To prevent this, parts are heated in an annealing oven. Annealing heats the part to just below its transition temperature for a prescribed period of time. Wisconsin Oven manufactures annealing ovens for steel and plastic in both the batch and conveyor style. The annealing process is broken down into three main types:
Full Anneal
Heating to a temperature of at least 50°F (28°C) above Ac3 (the temperature at which the transformation of ferrite to austenite is completed). The more open structure of the austenite is then able to absorb carbon from the iron-carbides in carbon steel. The material is held at this temperature for a specified time to allow the material to transform into Austenite or Austenite-Cementite. Following this, it is cooled at a controlled rate of about 36°F/hr (20°C/hr) in an oven to about 122°F (50 °C). It can then be cooled in room temperature air with natural convection. Knowing the isothermal transformation diagram and the continuous cooling diagram are essential in properly performing the annealing process. These diagrams predict the microstructure after transformation and the time required.
Spheroidize Anneal
Ideal when subsequent machining and/or hardening is required. The spheroidized condition is the equilibrium state of steel in its softest condition. This microstructure has good cold-forming characteristics. The larger the spheroids, the more distance between them and the easier it is for steel to be cold formed.
Process Annealing
Process annealing or normalizing is used to counteract the hardening effects of cold-working. Once a piece is worked, it may become too hard and brittle for further processing or use. Process annealing involves heating the metal to Ac1 (the high-temperature austenitic state) until the stresses have been removed. Then the material is slowly cooled to avoid adding new stresses. The result is a structure with a low level of residual stresses and good mechanical properties.