Curing Ovens for Composites

AMCA-LogoWisconsin Oven offers advanced and customizable Composite Curing Ovens with ancillary equipment such as vacuum systems, advanced control & data acquisition, and Industrial IoT systems, to ensure you have the right industrial oven for your specific application. Curing is a crucial component in manufacturing composite materials. Aerospace and automotive designers are using composite materials to help make their vehicles lighter, faster, and more fuel-efficient. Composite cure ovens are used for curing, annealing, drying, post curing, and hardening synthetic and composite materials. Composite materials can include carbon fiber, polymers, rubbers, and textiles. The materials are bagged and put under a vacuum while being cured. We will ensure airflow is uniform and applicable equipment specifications are met, including AMS2750, BAC5621, and CQI9 as requested.

In addition to manufacturing ovens for vacuum bagged composites, Wisconsin Oven also offers curing ovens for filament wound and honeycomb block or panel composites.

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